Price Matching
If you find a lower price on any product we stock, we would like the opportunity to match it.
Our success is completely due to you, our customers, and we know that there are times when price is the most important criteria. Our goal is to ensure price is never an obstacle to winning your business.
We do apply some basic common-sense limitations to price match requests. Price matching must be requested prior to the order being placed. We will not price match products that have been previously ordered and shipped. The source of a price match must be a verifiable, US-based, authorized reseller of the product in question (i.e., authorized Shimano, Daiwa, etc. dealer). Marketplaces - such as Ebay and Amazon -as well as peer-to-peer websites like craigslist are examples of sites that we will not price match for obvious reasons. We will not match lower prices that cannot be confirmed.
If the competitor includes a shipping cost with the price of the item, we will match the total price of the item plus shipping.
We reserve the right to confirm lower prices before any final sale.