Product Review Guidelines
ALL Reviews are monitored before posting, which is why a review may not be posted immediately after it has been submitted. Certain criteria must be met before your review will be considered for posting. Please take the following guidelines into account:
- No obscenities, discriminatory language, or language otherwise not suitable for a public forum.
- One review per person, per product.
- If we find unusually high numbers of reviews for a product posted in a short period of time, we may restrict the number of reviews for that product.
- Reviews should NOT include questions. Please direct all questions to or call Discount Tackle™ Customer Service at 1-800-940-5490.
- Discount Tackle™ Reviews are intended to provide helpful and relevant content to customers
Non Post-able Review: This bait is awesome!
Post-able Review: This bait is awesome! I've caught multiple fish with it. It's easy to cast, engineered well and has a realistic finish.
Non Post-able Review: This bait is terrible.
Post-able Review: This bait is terrible. It doesn't suspend like it is supposed to and the most of the paint has chipped off after a couple uses.
Any Information submitted in a review becomes the property of Discount Tackle™. Discount Tackle™ reserves the right to remove or not post reviews due to inappropriate language or content, as well as, reviews that do not follow the guidelines listed above.